Space Planning

Zimmerman School Equipment Inc. can help you select furniture that makes the best use of your space.  Whether you're looking to update an existing room, add an additional room or work area, or would like to make better use of an old layout, we can help.  We have experience with the changing needs of school learning areas like ELC space, and common areas that need to accommodate students, outside of the classroom.
Feel free to call or email us today, so that we can help.  614-861-6383

Using CET cad software, we can create both 2D and 3D renderings of your space, with the ability for simple low resolution layouts to high resolution layouts, showing how your furniture will look.

Our space planning method involves designing and organizing the physical layout of educational spaces to optimize learning and teaching experiences. Here are some key considerations for effective space planning:

  1. Determine the purpose: Identify the specific needs and goals of the educational space. Consider the age group, subject matter, teaching methods, and desired learning outcomes.
  2. Flexibility and adaptability: Design spaces that can be easily reconfigured to accommodate different teaching styles, group sizes, and activities. Use movable furniture, modular walls, and flexible storage solutions to create versatile learning environments.
  3. Zoning and organization: Divide the space into different zones based on their functions, such as teaching areas, group work areas, quiet study areas, and storage areas. Clearly define and label each zone to promote organization and efficiency.
  4. Natural lighting and ventilation: Maximize the use of natural light to create a bright and inviting atmosphere. Ensure proper ventilation and temperature control to maintain a comfortable learning environment.
  5. Accessibility and inclusivity: Ensure that the space is accessible to all students, including those with disabilities. Incorporate features like ramps, elevators, adjustable furniture, and assistive technology to accommodate diverse learning needs.
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