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Increase Student Retention

With Collaborative Learning

Room to Move

How can students retain more information in the classroom?
Collaborative learning is a technique that helps this process, and educators are implementing more collaboration in their teaching. Teachers arrange the students in small groups, with specific objectives covering the materials taught, so they can collaborate with one another. Their discussion causes them to think more deeply about the material, sharing what they learned and can clear up any misinformation. Students engaged in a group project, covering the subject being taught, has been proven to increase their retention by at least 40%. They also develop interpersonal and teamwork skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Classroom arrangement is a key factor in implementing collaborative learning. The furniture should be able to be arranged and then reconfigured throughout the day. This allows for versatility, and the ability to create different group settings.  Desks that can group together yet function alone are perfect for this type of learning. This has made mobile furniture more important than ever now.  Virco has several models that educators have great success with. Teachers find that planning out their classroom setting with this in mind, helps create a more engaging environment, that students  can appreciate.

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